Author Archives: jesween

Reasons to Find Book Designer When Self-Publishing

Self-publishing gives writers the freedom of publishing their book with 100% freedom from controlling the editing to selecting the publishing format or platform such as Amazon self-publishing UK besides printing the copies. They also enjoy the freedom of selecting their book layout design and cover design as well. If you choose to self-publish your next book- you can also taste the freedom like other writers of this group!

Even after collaborating with a prolific self-publishing company, offering all-inclusive book publishing services, you can team up with their book cover designer performing design and layout services for your book. The team players enjoy the involvement of the authors so that they can finalize the layouts upon mutual consent. 

You must also know some reasons to find a book designer when self-publishing. Here are some reasons explained—

A memorable first impression 

People do judge the book by its cover! So, it’s the responsibility of an ace cover designer to show their exceptional talent to craft your book. You can let the person know whether you want it simple or jazzy. Based on the genre, the writer’s will and the concept of the book- the covers are mainly designed. Follow three first impression psychology- attract, convert, and close the deal and for that let the expert cover designer go the extra mile!

Talk your genre

Surfacing the genre of the book begins with the cover design. So, find book designer in London, with the ability to understand the importance of the genre and design the cover design of the book. Whether they are creating the cover of your eBook or the printed copies, make sure they know the difference between the colour “red” used in Romeo & Juliet and Stephen King’s “The Outsider”. Red is the colour of romance while red represents gore too. 

Professional Typography & Add-Ons

Followed by selecting the colour combinations, the designer has to deal with the typography and show their masterstroke while mixing the title with the author’s name. You can let them know how you want to design the cover including the add-ons. 

Ass reviews, author’s bio, Sunday Times eclectic comments and even the bestselling batch if you want to create marketing hype. For sure, business is in your mind and by following the footsteps of the marketing consultants, adding these spices to the cover will increase the demand for sure!

Image quality is important 

Whether it’s just a botch of colour or a simple image of a silhouette of the primary character- the quality of the image used on the cover matters. Approve the images after extensive research and understand the nerves of the target audience. Even if they pick a book of a debutant, they want an impressive cover with a good quality image. To provide what the potential customers want, strategically pick the designs of the images for your cover. 

Cover designers needed for marketing your book

Despite creating the book cover, the designers have a key role to play in marketing your book. You might have the content ready but for the graphical interpretations of the covers or animation, you need the active involvement of the cover designer when you are self publishing UK or in any other location. 

Presently, digital marketing is the key to acquiring commercial success and to reach out to your target audiences, you need the involvement of ace marketing professionals. You have to start with building a website and social media profiles before launching your new book. 

During this time you need the active participation of the cover designer who can help you create multiple soft copies of the cover, characters and various interesting elements about the book in graphical interpretations. 

You also need the cover designs when using Amazon advertising or PPC for promoting your eBooks on Amazon or any other digital platform you choose. 

Even though the self-publishing company provides cover designers, you can work independently with a freelancer with whom you find a matching wavelength. 

You must also welcome the cover designer during the book launch. They have an intricate role to play in taking your book to the audience. During the launch, you can acknowledge their involvement. 

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

How Does a Self-publishing Company UK Help Writers to Publish Their Books?

There was a time when many budding authors, poets, biographers and non-fiction writers had experienced rejection from the celebrated publishing companies. The traditional publishers used to entertain renowned authors with quite a few bestselling books and a huge fan following for the sake of their business. However, now things have taken a 360-degree turn with the emergence of self-publishing. Today, most writers whether debutants or celebrities collaborate with a reputed self-publishing company UK where they receive myriad publishing services from editing to eBook conversion under the same roof. If you have a manuscript prepared with you or are interested in publishing a book in your name even if it is ghostwritten, find and team up with a reputed self-publishing agency in London such as White Magic Studios to make your dream come true.

Let’s find out, how a self-publishing company in the UK helps writers to publish their books—

The writers can taste the independence of publishing 

The writers choosing the path of self-publishing enjoy creative independence. They don’t have to put a stone on their hearts when the editors cut off their favourite portions of the chapter without their approval when they work with traditional publishers. Often they have to compromise with the intolerable editing blows from these premium publishers. However, self-publishers are self-bosses and thus enjoy the freedom of expressing their speech without thinking about the brutal editing whether they are about to launch their book via eBook or printed versions on Amazon publishing UK or elsewhere.

Ideal when you publish an eBook

When you decide to publish an eBook first, then the self-publishing company can help you to convert book to ebook by their professionals. Even if the book is written in a soft copy, the script has to be digitized considering where it is about to be published. They have upgraded software for eBook conversion. Let the experts do their job while you relax and wait for the final eBook version of the book before showing your consent to publish on Amazon Kindle or any other platform. If your target audience is the digital readers who prefer to buy books on their Kindles or read them on their tablets smartphones, and other devices, then publishing an eBook version will help you reach the bestselling category faster than you expect.

Avail of trending marketing services 

You should opt for professional marketing services for branding yourself and your book. The agency can provide initial marketing support or can help you meet with an ace marketing team, highly experienced in promoting books.

Amazon offers myriad promotional services with their Amazon SEO, Amazon advertising, Amazon A+ content promotions etc. for promoting any product. Utilizing these services for promoting your eBook or printed copies will let you connect with more potential customers who will be interested in reading and buying your books.

Amazon Kindle offers samples for those who download them and if they get engrossed, they purchase the Kindle version of the book. Likewise, you can also use the Google Play store to sell your books at Google Books. Use the code and provide your payment options so that you keep receiving the royalties after each purchase.

Connect with talented illustrators 

Children’s book authors often need illustrators to give a life to their created characters for which they collaborate with professional children’s illustrators. The self-publishing agency can help them connect with a talented children’s illustrator for hire. They can work closely as a team to create wonderful cartoon characters of various forms and get a book form before sending it for publishing. Illustrators have a significant role in giving life to multiple characters. So, select the illustrator based on their creative abilities, skills, versatility and of course talent to work with various bestselling children’s books so far.

Get a ghostwriter 

The self-publishing company is there to help writers with ghostwriting services. If you’re in a dilemma with an incomplete manuscript, constantly thinking about the climax or finding it difficult to finish the book by failing to connect the missing links, opting for ghostwriting can be a better choice.

Even without writing a single line, you can get a book published by a talented ghostwriting expert from a self-publishing company. This is how you can get your book published with the help of self-publishing companies.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

What Do You Need to Get Your Book Published?

If you want to be an established writer, then you definitely need to get your book out. The words are complete and you have a manuscript that you’re really excited about.

You know that your book has got potential, but what now? What do you need to get from a manuscript to a finished book that your intended buyers can read?

Here are the people that you need to hire if you want to turn your manuscript into an actual product.


Even if you use Grammarly and have impeccable language skills, there will be some mistakes that you are going to make. You may also have some facts wrong, which can definitely hurt your product.

Many authors hire editors or proofreaders in order to provide comments and edit their work. These requested alterations can be about grammar, spelling, tone, or any other factor that can make your work much better to read and comprehend.

Aside from aesthetics, authors can also hire proofreaders to check on any facts that you have written about a specific topic. More often than not, these proofreaders are specialists in their own field such as mathematics, science, history, mechanical engineering, and others.

These people will help verify and correct you so that you can get your facts right, especially if accuracy is one of your main goals.


Book illustrators for hire add a little more design to your book. If you need drawings or a better layout for your book, then illustrators are the people to get.

Nobody wants to read a wall of text page after page after page. This holds true for children’s books as that is a sure way to not keep their attention. Children’s book illustrators for hire UK can definitely help you out with that.


Publishers are who will turn your book into something tangible. They will print your book and bind it. In most cases, they will also have professional book cover designers so that they can come up with a look that is eye-catching for potential buyers when they see your book on the shelves.

Of course, you can do the self-publishing route. There are numerous book self publishing UK companies that you can find, especially online. Also, you can just publish your book as an ebook as it is definitely all the rage these days.


You would also need to hire marketing people that can help advertise your book. Social media managers can help get the word out about your book. They can also purchase ads online so that you would be able to reach your target market.

Marketing people can be paid a fixed rate or by commission, or a combination of the two. The amount that you want to spend on marketing should be proportional to the revenue that you are going to get.

Alternatively, you can DIY it yourself as well as social media platforms can already provide you with all the tools necessary to market and self-promote. If you have the budget or if all this marketing stuff is all going over your head, then hiring marketers will be the best and most effective route.

Can I Hire Freelancers?

Yes! Freelancers are a cheap yet effective way to get things done. You can get proofreaders, illustrators, and marketers that can give you some very good results.

Just make sure that you are getting high-quality freelancers so that you would be able to get your money’s worth. Get those with enough experience in the industry and not just newbies that you will choose just to save a few bucks.

Some freelancers can even point you towards the right direction about apps and sites that can help you promote and self-publish. There are many sites where freelancers with varying rates can be found.

Get the right people and you will be well on your way to see your finished book in Amazon stores and bookshelves locally and even all over the world.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Impact of Good Illustration on Your Book

Investing in book formatting services is a good idea if you really want your book to sell. There are a lot of advantages if your book is properly illustrated, especially if you are writing for children.

Illustration makes your text more tangible. Children often need visual representation and can understand words better if they can connect images with words.

They will also be more engaged in the story because they have breaks from reading. This will help in keeping their attention.

That is why children’s book illustration services are very valued, especially because it is very hard to keep children from reading.

Good illustration and drawings can help increase the children’s comprehension and their imagination because they will try and bring the art to life in their minds.

Illustration like figures can also help readers understand complex concepts. Figures, tables, graphs, and other visual representation of data is great for topics such as mathematics or science.

Most websites that you see have images or even coloring to not make it look bland. Imagine Wikipedia without the ability to add pictures to the pages. That would look boring!

book illustration company can definitely help your book not be boring. A non-boring book will definitely have more appeal and will have a chance to sell better.

Good illustration is needed not only for physical books, but also for books in electronic format.

Even amateur writers that utilize self publishing Kindle make it a point to have good quality illustrations and design to enhance the overall look of their book.

Many readers judge books by their covers. That is why you should make sure that, cover to cover, you should use illustrations, artworks, photos, and other visual elements sparingly but wisely because they will definitely help increase the quality of your work.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Find Book Designer Online On These Sites

Your book is all set, it is ready to be published. But! There’s something missing…

It’s as dull as dishwater. The text is all there, but that’s what all there is. You need something engaging. You need something captivating. You need…

You need a design.

Before you proceed with Amazon self publishing UK, you will need to find something to do the illustrations, from figures and drawings in your book to the front and back covers.

You’ve done everything DIY up to this point, but drawing and art is beyond your skill set.

Here are some places where you can find skilled people that can provide design and layout services for you to be able to really complete your book.


LinkedIn is the best social media platform for professionals that vary in experience and competencies. You can simply search for people and message them directly if they are interested in some work.

LinkedIn also provides solutions that allow you to post jobs. Fees can be a bit steep so we suggest doing simple searches to find a potential contractor on your own.


Upwork is a hugely popular job finding platform where you can post jobs. Candidates will flock to provide you with proposals as well as samples of their work.

You can also find book designer freelancers on your own by browsing contractors that have illustration or graphic design as part of their services.

Upwork rates for those posting projects will vary, but typically it is the freelancer who shoulders the fee. Other plans allow Upwork take admin fees of up to three percent of fees paid to freelancers.


Fiverr has hundreds if not thousands of freelancers that can provide you with book illustration services. They are the ones that provide their rates, but you can definitely negotiate.

Fiverr at the basic level is free, which is great especially if you just want one-off jobs. You are also protected as Fiverr projects do not charge hourly so you’ll only need to pay for completed work.


PeoplePerHour has a database of over three million freelancers with over 8,000 different skill sets. It is highly improbable that you cannot find a freelancer that suits your requirements and budget on this platform.

Finding, communicating, and receiving files through the site is very convenient. You can also pay for any work done directly through the platform. There are minimal fees for the employer in PeoplePerHour, if at all.


TaskRabbit is a site that connects employers and individuals with independent contractors willing to do odd jobs, book design included.

You can find contractors, called “Taskers” and provide them with your idea of the design. Expect to pay about 20% commission on top of the agreed upon rate to use this service.


Craigslist is an oldie but goodie. You can post your ad for book illustration jobs. The site is still hugely popular and interested artists and illustrators will be sure to message, inquire, and give their proposals.

With some exceptions, posting in Craigslist is free, so there is nothing to worry about admin fees and you can negotiate with your selected freelancer about rates without having to worry about other charges.

Your Social Media

Sometimes, the solution is right under your nose. You can post your requirements on your wall, and friends can message or comment recommendations. Some good friends may even offer to help you out for free.

Another suggestion is to post in groups. There are graphic design groups, job hiring groups, and other similar pages where you can go look for freelancers. Simply post your needs and see DM’s and offers come pouring in.


If you want self publishing UK for your book, you can certainly do it. All you need are the right freelancers to help you with illustration work and other tasks.

There are many sites that allow you to find competent freelancers to help complete your book. With the right services, you can complete a very professional looking draft that you can then publish as a paperback or ebook.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Are You Ready for Kindle Self Publishing?

There are now many independent authors that utilize self publishing books UK. They do not use any agents and sell their books directly to the readers.

Self-publishing your book has both good and bad points, but if you go down this path you have the potential to earn more than others who have agents and publishing houses that work on their books for them.

The reason for this is that agents and other entities usually take a large percentage of sales as commission. By using tools such as Kindle self publishing, you can drastically reduce that amount so more money goes into your pocket for every book sold.

There are a lot of things to consider if you want to self-publish, but Amazon book publishing UK definitely makes the task easier.

In 2020, over 191 million ebooks have been sold, and you can certainly take a piece of that pie. Many independent writers can earn 1,000 dollars off their books per month.

These figures can easily increase the more titles you put out. You can also earn more as you market yourself and gain more popularity.

You can write about different topics and subjects, and there is a market for any topic under the sun. You can even convert your manuscripts easily into an ebook! However, this raw document will not yet be fully ready until you consider some very important factors.

For your ebook to be professional looking, you must consider an eye-catching book cover. A book cover design UK is attention grabbing and can tell readers what to expect from your book at a glance.

Book covers are often neglected but they are very critical in the success of your book. Just like packaging for cereal boxes or soda cans, the visual appeal of your book can definitely impact sales numbers.

Speaking of visuals, you might also consider having illustrations and figures in your book. This can include tables, maps, comic strips, artwork, photos, and other elements that are interspersed through the walls of text that your manuscript contains.

This gives a break to your readers and keeps them engaged for longer. Reading text can cause strain and boredom, so including illustrations as a form of intermission for your ebook is a must.

Of course, you would also need to have your document proofread. This includes grammar checks, checking for the correct tone and voice, correcting inconsistencies in thought, possibly rearranging or removing paragraphs, and even a little fact checking.

You definitely do not want to be called out for not crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s. There is even a copy of the Bible where you can read about children being “killed” rather than “filled”. This wouldn’t have happened if there was a proofreader on duty that day.

Some ebooks also have author information included, as well as copyright notices. The former is to allow readers to communicate with you while the latter is to add some legality about illegal distribution of your ebook.

Other things that you need to consider before you publish your book is

  • How much will it be priced?
  • Who are you targeting with your book?
  • How do you market it?

If you want things done right on the items above, you can just hire pros that can do a better job compared to if you would DIY it.

Photographers, illustrators, professional editors, and maybe marketing personnel can all help you create the perfect book and market it successfully. There are many companies and even freelancers that will be able to support these needs.

By following the tips that we have given you, you can create a book that is good, catchy, and really has a lot of promise to sell well.

You want your book to be good. You also want it to sell and reach more people. Complete your book outside of having a finished manuscript and take heed of advice mentioned above, and you will be able to do just that.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

How to Publish a Print Book on Amazon?

Do you have a manuscript ready with you? Finally, when you finish writing a book, you want to get it published immediately. If you’re ready to follow the unconventional way of publishing the book then self-publishing will be the best way. Use platforms like white magic studios, a London-based self-publishing agency helping writers publish their books in both digital and printed versions.

Amazon publishing services are trending these days, attracting many budding authors to use this popular platform to publish their printed paperbacks despite publishing eBook versions. Gather ample information about the Amazon publishing services from the self-publishing agency you have teamed up with.

Here are a few steps to publish a print book on Amazon—

Start with creating an account on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Take your first step towards Amazon Kindle self publishing UK by creating an account on KDP. If you already have an account, then sign in by using the credential. However, if you don’t have or would like to use a new account for publishing printed books on Amazon; you can create a new account.

Sign up for the details accordingly when signing up. Read about the tax information and put the payment details after a thorough knowledge.

Give a proper description of your book

Fill up the three sections of the KDP dashboard by putting proper information on the book details, content and pricing. You have to share information regarding the language of the book, the book title, a series or not, the type of edition, the author’s name, and names of other contributors, book illustrators, editor and the anthology. Using a pen name is also granted by KDP.

Upload the EPUB Book Cover Files

In this step, upload the EPUB book cover file you created before finally publishing the book.

Opt for digital marketing and hire an explainer video agency London for the best promotional services.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

How to Make a Front Cover for a Book?

When you’re on the verge of self-publishing a book, you might be particular about certain details such as the book layout, and above all the book front cover design. Soon after the final editing is done, you and the self-publishing agency are all set to print the book or launch the eBook on Amazon or any other platform and finalize the book cover designs.

Even though you have a plan about how the cover design of your book will be, teaming up with a specialist, experienced to offer book design services to multiple bestsellers will take a few steps forward in making your new book a bestseller too.

Here are some ideas about how to make a front cover of your book—

Hire a genre expert book cover designer

Hiring a genre expert front cover designer for your new book will be the best that you can do for the best outcome. Nowadays, readers are inclined towards the cover designs more than the content according to recent market surveys. Let the genre-specific front cover designer draft the most enticing front cover designs for your upcoming book. By mixing up their concepts, creative ideas, and book cover designing trends, the specialists can show you a few designs from which you can finalize one.

Follow the trends

According to the trends, any professional book layout designer will introduce the primary character of your book on the cover. They also strategically design the layout based on the number of pages and trends. Usually, paperbacks are more or less printed within 5-6 inches in length while, the hardcopies are considerably broader in size.

Get ideas from bestselling book front covers & layout designs

Check out the immediate bestsellers of your genre to get an idea of how they created the front covers and layout designs.

Your book can also taste success by focusing on the typography and the perfect use of colors based on the genre.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

How to hire the best Book Illustrators & Book Cover Designers?

Self-publishing is a new trend. Today, from bestselling authors to debut writers, the majority of them choose to self-publish their books to enjoy creative freedom. Collaborating with a self-publishing agency is the best decision that any author takes these days. As a new author or a bestselling writer, teaming up with a self-publishing agency is a favourable decision that you can also take to receive the best self publishing services UK. They have editors, ghostwriters, book cover designers, illustrators, and eBook conversion experts offering all-inclusive services that any author would like to receive for self-publishing a book.

Here are some tips to hire the best book illustrators & book cover designers—

Shortlist based on experience & bestselling books

Start with shortlisting the book cover illustrators UK and the book cover or layout designers considering the goodwill they have. Despite getting motivated by the ratings and a series of positive reviews from their former clients, explore the illustrations they created or the book design layouts the cover design experts have designed for their clients. 

Make sure to shortlist the professionals if they contributed to bestselling books. When you are ready to hire professionals for creating the most impactful book cover designs or illustrations for your children’s book then they should have been a part of bestselling eBooks, hard copies, or paperbacks. 

Go for a virtual Q&A Session

Arrange a virtual Q&A session with the professionals. You can also visit them at the self-publishing agency that you hire.

Before finalizing the designer for the best creative book cover ask them whether they’re okay with your genre or not. For instance, if your book genre is thriller or romance then the designer should have ample experience in creating layouts and cover designs for bestselling books. 

These tips will help you meet the best book illustrators or creative book cover designers you can partner with. 

What services do writers immediately need for publishing a new book?

Publishing a book is a challenging episode unless the writer is properly guided. Being a writer you decide to try self-publishing your book this time then collaborate with a self-publishing agency in the first place. The leading agencies have editors, book cover and layout designers, and book cover illustrators for hire, under the same roof! Even if you decide to convert the manuscript into an eBook then also you can find a talented eBook conversion expert onboard. 

Here, let’s find out the immediate services that writers need for publishing a new book—


If you have an excellent plot in mind but find it difficult to write professionally then hiring a ghostwriting service is the best for you. Often writers depend on expert ghostwriters for finishing a manuscript with ardent supremacy of their writing abilities.


Professional editing shapes up any writing. Even after extensive checking, hire an editor at the agency that can send their feedback. If you agree with the editing, keep it, if you don’t want those massive changes, stick to your decision.

EBook conversion 

Nowadays, the expansion of eBooks is allowing writers to publish their Kindle eBooks before publishing paperbacks or hard copies. By opting for eBook conversion services, professionals can convert the manuscript into a perfect eBook.

Book Cover & layout designing 

Hire the book layout designers to design the cover of your book. 

You must agree with the fact that the book covers front and back, leaving an instant impact on the readers. Let the potential eBook or paperback cover designers strategically create the cover layouts of your book and make it more sellable.

Marketing services

Finally, writers need marketing services to promote their new books. From running a website to launching a book trailer, they can show a creative touch while revealing the book to their target readers.